“Today is the day!” announces the Mistress to her two slaves, nervously waiting beneath her glory “one of you is going to be demoted.” She smiles cruelly at them while flexing her crop that seems to only be there just to toy with them “Who is it going to be? Well, we’re going to find out, aren’t we?” She smacks the crop against her hand. “Slave #3 is going to become slave #2. And one of you is going to become slave number 3..” The Mistress then begins her tests by punishing the slaves in turn.
First her smacks them with her crop and jumps on the chest of Slave #1 “We’re going to find out which one of you appreciates my body the most.” She then sits down on Slave #2 with all her weight, despite his complaints. “Yeah. You like that?” she says while bouncing “Yes Mistress” he replies with a groan. “More? Very good!” She says with a chuckle and increases the altitude then switching to sitting on his face “I don’t want to hear any talking right now – just shut the fuck up.
Only one of us is going to be talking and it’s not going to be you.”
To show off to the #2 Slave, the Mistress allows the #1 Slave to lick her ass. What an honor! “You like hearing what the #1 slave gets instead of you?” She enjoys herself while they play into her game.She smiles and says the # 2 slave “ If you get demoted, you’ll be locked in the cage in the basement, nowhere near my wonderful ass.” All the while, her #1 slave pleases her and her #2 slave has to listen.
Lounging between the two of her slaves, basking in her cruelty the Mistress says to herself “It’s a fun game, seeing who is more appealing.” Then she turns to the #2 slave and says “Tell me how much you enjoy this.” As if to taunt him. Should he be enjoying this? What a cruel fate being under her thumb yet how he not love every second of it.
During their weight test training, both slaves have performed well but only one can be her favorite slave. She’s going to make them both work for it. Laughing between butt drops, The Mistress coyly says to her #2 Slave “ You really want that promotion, don’t you?” You’ll have to work it and endure more torment than this!
Butt drops are starting to bore me, thinks the Mistress. Devising a new scheme to test her top slaves. Chuckling wickedly to herself she says “The first cock to get hard for their mistress is the #1.” You understand that boys? Start jerking now. Don’t keep your Mistress waiting. She sighs. “
Omg, looks like we’re going to be here all day.”